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Extreme Enjoy
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The latest news and events in India from DinaThanthi

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The DinaThanthi app serves as a comprehensive platform for accessing a wide array of Tamil news content from prominent sources, ensuring users stay updated on current events. With this platform, it's easy to read and share the latest headlines from a variety of reputable Tamil news websites and TV channels, including Daily Thanthi, Dinamalar, Dinamani, Dinakaran, The Hindu in Tamil, Vikatan, and many more. In addition, the platform provides access to international Tamil news from BBC Tamil and local perspectives from publications such as Malaysia Indru and Uthayan.

One of the key benefits is its customizable alerts feature, which allows tailoring notifications to individual preferences. Users control what kind of news they're notified about by selecting their preferred news sites and categories. Furthermore, users can specify the time frame (e.g., from 6 AM to 9 PM) and frequency (e.g., every 15 minutes, hourly, etc.) for receiving these updates.

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Live news broadcasts from popular Tamil TV channels such as Sun TV News, Kalaignar News, and News18 Tamilnadu are also at your fingertips, providing real-time coverage.

Enhanced readability is another focus, thanks to an adjustable font setting, and sharing the latest news is a breeze with options to share via SMS, email, and social media platforms like Facebook and Google+.

To make the most of its features, it requires Android 2.3 or higher. The alert system will work correctly only if the platform is installed on the phone's internal storage. If the platform is moved to an SD card, ensure to launch it once after restarting the device to reactivate alerts. Should the need arise to move the platform back to phone memory, this can be accomplished through the phone's application management settings.

DinaThanthi is a fantastic tool for those looking to keep abreast of Tamil news with ease and a personalized user experience.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about DinaThanthi 9.7

Package Name com.extremeenjoy.news.dinathanthi
License Free
Op. System Android
Category News/Magazines
Language English
44 more
Author Extreme Enjoy
Downloads 1,879
Date Nov 19, 2020
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 7.5.3 May 4, 2015

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